Blue sky and clouds with silhouette of an airplane

3 Oct 2023

3 Essential Items to Pack on Every Holiday (along with your passport and travel docs)

Ah, the thrill of embarking on a holiday adventure! Whether you're off to explore the pristine beaches of Bora Bora or simply planning a relaxing weekend getaway to your cousin's place, one thing is for sure: packing can be an adventure of its own. To ensure you're well-prepared for the unpredictable twists and turns of travel, here are five essential items you should never leave behind on any holiday.


1. A Positive Attitude (Invisible, but Essential)

The first item on our list is invisible, intangible, and yet absolutely vital: your positive attitude. Picture this: you're at the airport, your flight is delayed, the baby behind you is determined to win a screaming contest, and the TSA agent seems to have misplaced their smile. What do you do? Whip out your invisible positive attitude, of course! Remember, your mindset can make or break your entire trip. So, bring along an extra helping of patience, a dash of humour, and a pinch of adaptability. With these in your invisible backpack, you'll conquer any travel hiccup with a grin.

2. A Universal Translator (Your Smartphone)

Okay, we admit it: packing a universal translator like C-3PO from Star Wars is still a dream of the future. However, the next best thing is already in your pocket – your smartphone! With the power of translation apps, you can overcome language barriers with ease. Want to order a pizza in Spanish, negotiate prices at a Moroccan bazaar, or simply find the nearest restroom in Tokyo? There's an app for that. Just don't mistake your smartphone for a pizza slicer, that's a completely different app (we think).

3. Snacks (For Emergency Hangry Situations)

Have you ever noticed how food is never readily available when you're absolutely famished? To avoid becoming a Snickers commercial stereotype, pack some travel-friendly snacks. Granola bars, trail mix, or even a bag of your favourite chips can save you from the wrath of the hangry monster lurking within. Plus, if you're a fan of international cuisine, don't forget to snag some local snacks for the ultimate cultural taste test. Who knows, you might discover your new favourite treat on your travels!


Three essential items to pack on every holiday. Remember, it's not just about the physical items you bring, but the mindset and attitude you carry with you. With these essentials in tow, you'll be ready to face the adventures, mishaps, and hilarity that travel has in store for you. Happy travels!

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